Further Reading

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Former Pentagon Consultant Claims President Eisenhower Had 3 Secret Meetings with Aliens

[Humans Are Free]: During the late hours of February 20-21 of 1954, while President Eisenhower was officially on vacations in California, the 34th president of the US went ‘missing’ and was supposedly taken to Edwards Air Force base for a secret meeting with otherworldly visitors.

For years it is said that governments around the globe have been covering up the existence of alien life. For years thousands of UFO sightings have been dismissed as a global conspiracy.

However, everything could change when evidence is obtained.

A former Pentagon consultant (among others) claims that President Eisenhower had THREE secret meetings with three different alien species.

It is said that Former US President was taken to the Edwards Airforce base while he was listed as officially ‘missing.’

Lecturer and author Timothy Good state that the 34th president of the United States of America met with three extremely advanced alien species in New Mexico in 1954....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...