Further Reading

Friday, 7 May 2021

How to Be Less Full of Sh!t

[Waking Times]: We are all full of shit to some degree or another. Knowing it sets us free. But why stop there? Sometimes, awareness isn’t enough. There must be action. Rather than wallow in the muck and mire of our bullshit, why not attempt to be become less full of shit?

Rather than be driven by the bullshit of your past, why not allow yourself to be pulled up by the bullhorns of the future?

You just need to give yourself permission to stop dwelling on the past and start creating the future. Call it an existential pivot. Or an emotional redirect. Or flipping over the glass-is-half-empty glass.

The past is the past. Maybe it sucked. Maybe it was great. Probably it was a little bit if both. Either way, it happened. It changed you. It threw you under the bus. It pushed you to the top. It stretched you over the torture rack of life. Maybe most of it happened because of you. Maybe some of it was because of someone else. Or maybe it was fate with a bit of (bad)luck sprinkled in. Perhaps it was genetics. Or perhaps nurture trumped nature. Either way, here you are: full of shit....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...