Further Reading

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Pfizer betting big on steady stream of adults and children getting yearly COVID-19 vaccines… it’s all about REPEAT PROFITS

[Natural News]: Pfizer is pinning a lot of hope on its COVID-19 vaccine, and they are already targeting younger people with an eye on increasing their profits.

Earlier this week, they released a strong earnings report that exceeded the already optimistic projections from Wall Street. They also announced that they are on the verge of gaining regulatory approval to give their vaccine to minors aged 12 to 15 in the U.S. This coincides with the Biden Administration’s increasing pressure on states to raise their vaccination numbers.

Media reports have also indicated that Pfizer is looking to gain approval to use the vaccine on children aged 2 to 11 in the U.S. and Europe. It is believed that this approval could come in September, despite the fact that there have been no studies carried out into the long-term effects of the vaccines on either adults or children....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....