Further Reading

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The End Goal Of All True Freedom Movements Must Be Unity

[Collective Evolution]: The deception, the manipulation, and the injustices that have long been perpetrated by the ‘socioeconomic elite’ are quickly coming to light in public perception. The ‘Pandemic’ and all of its restrictive measures are, in my opinion just part of a larger agenda to create a global technocratic surveillance state to permanently enslave us.

But all of this activity has started to awaken a sleeping giant. The mind of this giant is nothing less than the collective consciousness of humanity. Whether this giant will awaken in time, or at all, remains to be seen. In a free will universe, nothing is guaranteed. It’s a challenging game, but that’s why we all came here to play it.

Many individuals have emerged as leaders, often when their personal ‘line in the sand’ has been crossed and has compelled them to take some form of action. Some leaders are modeling freedom in their everyday lives, some have formed groups to challenge regulations in public, some have taken to the courts or even bypassed them to invoke Natural/Common Law, some are researching and proliferating the truth in the face of increasing mainstream propaganda and social media censorship.

There is no need to debate what is the ‘best’ strategy or point of focus. Everybody has a role to play here. Each leader that is truly following their conscience inherently believes that their course of action is the best, and that is as it should be. What is paramount is that we see where all our roads intersect, and create a unified field of energy around that.....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>..