[Wake Up World]: Many of us have had an aversion to the human form and difficult time acclimating to third dimensional life, which has manifested in one form or another as dis-ease. There are positive aspects to the state of illness that aren’t easily recognized due to the sheer amount of pain that illness comes with. One of the undervalued aspects to illness is that it teaches us how to properly care for our physical vehicle.
Imagine the aether as a sea of consciousness made up of different radio waves. These radio waves are broadcasted into infinite versions of reality, or “radio stations.” Each station broadcasts a different version of reality.
The ascension process is the elevation of our bodies onto a different radio station, or version of reality. This includes shifting our whole being into a different phase of consciousness. This process includes all of our bodies: the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual. It will do no good to repel the channel we are on. It is about simply no longer being magnetized to this channel. When there is no longer a need for a being to learn its lessons on this radio station, the channel naturally drops off.
The body’s role in the ascension process is meant to guide us into higher states of awareness. It does this by maneuvering us down certain paths that lead to a spiritual awakening.
Illness redirects us. Many times, our Higher Self will use illness as a medium to pull us out of our identity and shift our consciousness. That’s also why it seems like so many awakening individuals end up with mystery illnesses. Although awakening is continual without a foreseeable end, it is entirely possible to awaken to the extent that this density provides us. To deny that consciousness is a spectrum consisting of a myriad of phases is, at its very roots, to deny that growth can take place at all. In fact, the purpose of this lifetime for many souls is to awaken to the multidimensional nature of reality....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...