[Natural News]: A total of 26 countries and counting are reporting a massive uptick in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases,” injuries, and deaths now that the “vaccines” are in widespread use.
The islands of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, which started jabbing people on Feb. 17, both reported a sharp rise in Chinese Virus deaths – the highest, in fact, since the plandemic was first launched. It took a full two months for case numbers to return back to pre-vaccine levels.
In Brazil, where Wuhan Flu shots started to be administered on Jan. 16, deaths attributed to the novel virus have soared. Four months later and those deaths are still massively higher than they were prior to the release of the jabs.
Paraguay is seeing a similar uptick. Its vaccine program began on Feb. 21 and deaths have continued to rise exponentially. The more vaccines are administered, the more deaths are being reported.
Moving over to Qatar, which started jabbing people on Jan. 28, a corresponding increase in vaccine-induced deaths is being reported. It has been more than three months since the injections began and death numbers have not returned to pre-jab levels.
On and on the list goes with Maldives, Mongolia, Estonia, Gibralter, India, and yes, the United States, all reporting similar data. Wherever Chinese Virus jabs are being administered, there you will find death and disease running rampant....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....