Further Reading

Thursday 10 June 2021

Heads Up ... Your Attention Please


We live in desperate times, as we all are well aware now. We're somehow pulling through the great Covid-19 hoax and are being conditioned for even more loses of freedom.

The Covid Passport is now a reality. And they are working towards the Chinese style full on surveillance system.

 Our heads up relates to what is likely to happen later in the year. There is a cyber security breach simulation happening in July. We forget its name. That is not important. But what is important is the fact there was a virus simulation exercise a few months before the supposed outbreak of Covid-19.

 Therefore. It is more than likely that the internet and everything we know ... will go down some time in August or September this year. 

When that happens ... it marks the end of The Light Of Truth Chronicles, along with hundreds of other alternative news sites. Then to get back on the internet we are likely to have to sign in with bio-metrics and facial recognition ... and the surveillance system worldwide will be launched.

 Life will change even more beyond recognition.

Let us take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has supported us since November 2006. It's been a great journey. At some point it was going to come to an end. We will keep going for as long as we can ... but its out of our hands when the plug is pulled on this version of the internet