Further Reading

Friday 11 June 2021

Is This a Possible COVID Vaccine Antidote?

[David Icke]: Is there a possible COVID vaccine antidote which could protect those who have been injected with the concoction passing itself off as a COVID vaccine? Dr. Judy Mikovits thinks so. Mikovits, who was featured in the Plandemic film, recently revealed the name of it (which you can hear in this video excerpt): suramin. The disturbing horror stories of the COVID vaxxed never seem to end. 

Firstly, there are all the numerous adverse effects of those who have taken the COVID non-vaccine including migraines, bruising, heavy and irregular menstruation, miscarriages, potential sterility and potentially lethal blood clotting. (You can read what people are self-reporting at this Reddit group – scary). 

Then, there is the bizarre phenomenon of the COVID vaxxed transmitting these effects to the unvaccinated just by being around them. On top of that, there is the phenomenon of magnets sticking to the COVID vaxxed at the injection site. The point of the COVID non-vaccine is to introduce synthetic spike proteins into the body, so that the body will make antibodies against them, antibodies which will supposedly protect you against SARS-CoV-2. While there are many problems with this theory – including the fact there is no real SARS-CoV-2 and that spike proteins rest on the unfounded assumption of an isolated and purified virus – there is also the distinct danger that these synthetic spike proteins will cause you harm. This is where the possible COVID vaccine antidote comes in.

Possible COVID Vaccine Antidote: Sumarin

Sumarin is a drug which has been used as medicine for conditions such as African sleeping sickness and river blindness. It has been know to the medical profession for 100 years. Recently a small randomized clinical trial conducted the University of California San Diego found that a single intravenous dose of suramin produced dramatic improvement of core symptoms of autism, aka autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

So what is suramin exactly? It turns out that it’s yet another pharmaceutical drug which is an extract of a natural substance, in this case pine needles. This follow the Big Pharma business model of bio-piracy – find natural plants and substances, isolate a chemical from them, get a patent on it and sell it, while using scientific journals and the media to trash anyone who claims the original plant has medicinal value....<<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>>...