Further Reading

Saturday 26 June 2021

Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear

[Natural News]: Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. 

Those same innocent Jewish people, who were German citizens, had no idea that after their guns were confiscated, they would be ordered to “move” to Ghettos reserved for them, and with other people “like them.” It was official Nazi policy to hate the Jews. They had been ostracized in the media’s propaganda (think leaflets, posters and films) as a burden on society in so many ways.

The German people were hand fed a specific people to hate (think White Americans and non-vaxxers today). Hitler gave them a scapegoat. The “dirty” rat Jews. The populace took the bait.

Next, those millions of Jews were shipped by train from the Ghettos to the Concentration camps. This would be their final resting place. Hitler’s pharmaceutical “right arm” created toxic vaccines made of chemical concoctions, and they injected those chemicals into Jewish children’s arms, just to see what would happen. Of course they died, after being tortured and abused.

The Jewish people weren’t dumb, they just didn’t realize what registering guns first meant, and eventually they all got slow-walked into the gas chambers, that were filled with insecticide poisons, some of which are still used in chemotherapy today. The Jews were told it was a big group shower, and they walked into these warehouses where the Nazi’s pumped in gas instead of hot water, and that’s where about 1/6th of the 6 million Jews died.

When other Jews got off the trains, they were shot in the head twice, or if they had some skills that could help Hitler’s military forces, they were then given jobs. Then, they were all starved, slowly, to death. Hitler had fluoride put in the water to keep the Jews weak, so they couldn’t rebel or escape.

When ammonia is mixed with bleach, it becomes toxic like mustard gas. You can find ammonia mixed with bleach in commercial cigarettes. Most white foods today are bleached. Most red meat is treated with ammonia to kill the E. coli. The pesticides sprayed on nearly all conventional crops and produce is manufactured by Bayer (Monsanto), the SAME evil Bayer that headed up part of the pharma conglomerate known as I.G. Farben in Nazi Germany.

Vaccines contain horrible contaminants from around the planet that should NEVER be injected into human bodies. There is no safe amount of mercury that can be injected, whether ethyl or methyl. No human, especially Jews after what happened in Germany, should be slow-walked into getting vaccines that alter your genes to produce proteins and prions that mimic deadly viruses. Think about it for a minute. Let it sink in. Pharma. Nazi. Chemo. Hitler. Chemical Pesticides. Bayer. Gas Chambers. GMO. Covid-19. Protein payload and mRNA Vaccines....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...