Further Reading

Monday 14 June 2021

Medical professionals break silence on covid “vaccines” and the widespread harm they’re causing

 [Natural News]: Many state governments have told citizens they can’t “go back to normal” until they are injected twice with engineered spike protein software (aka “covid vaccines.”) The terms “antivax” and “vaccine hesitancy” were developed to degrade and divide people, while forfeiting the informed consent principle. People need more information, not coercion. 

People need an honest interpretation of these vaccine studies and their diagnostic criteria, not more fraud. The world needs more transparency on this experimental protocol and more respect for human dignity and the right of self-decision. People DO NOT need more terror, bribery, theft, isolation, discrimination, virtue signaling, censorship, propaganda, suppression of natural immune system solutions, abuse, social ostracizing, false advertising, deceit, fraud, segregation and threats. Most importantly, no one should feel that they have to physically abuse themselves to please another human being, or have basic rights....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...