Further Reading

Thursday 17 June 2021

The Continuum of Connection: Why Connection is the Most Essential Human Trait

[Wake Up World]: In 1939, at his ashram in central India, Mahatma Gandhi was growing increasingly concerned about events in Europe. When news reached him that Hitler had invaded Czechoslovakia, he wrote to the German dictator, imploring him to stop. Gandhi wrote, “It is quite clear that you are today the one person in the world who can prevent a war which may reduce humanity to a savage state. Must you pay that price for an object however worthy it may appear to you to be?”

It is not known whether this letter reached Hitler – perhaps it never even left India. But if Hitler did read it, he ignored it. Just a few weeks later, in September, he invaded Poland, triggering the outbreak of World War 2.

A year into the war, Gandhi tried again. This time he wrote a more detailed and reasoned letter, imploring Hitler to “stop the war.” Gandhi reprimanded Hitler for his invasions of other countries, which he called “monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity…I therefore appeal to you in the name of humanity to stop the war.”

Again, it is not known whether Hitler read Gandhi’s second letter. If he did, we can imagine him flying into a rage and throwing it into the fire. At any rate, Gandhi’s attempt to reason with Hitler was doomed to failure....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...