Further Reading

Monday 28 June 2021

The NHS has never been overwhelmed due to Covid-19. It is now overwhelmed due to the Covid-19 Vaccines. Oh the Irony.

[The Daily Expose]: It is Summer and the NHS is officially overwhelmed. But not because of Covid-19, instead its because of its obsession to transform from the National Covid Service into the National Vaccination Service, and the severe repercussions of those experimental jabs being administered to millions.

The NHS has not once been overwhelmed due to Covid-19. During the entire first wave from April – June 2020, A&E attendance was 57% down on the previous year and the number of beds occupied was 30% down on the previous year.

The NHS has been so slack for the entirety of this alleged pandemic that not a single Nightingale hospital was used, instead they have now been disbanded, and nurses had so much time on their hands they were choreographing, rehearsing, and filming TikTok dancing videos.

So it’s rather ironic that the miraculous vaccine; alleged to reduce the chance of suffering serious disease if infected with the alleged Covid virus, has been the one thing throughout this entire alleged pandemic that has caused the NHS to become overwhelmed.

You will be familiar with the flurry of NHS headlines that routinely accompany the winter months. Every winter there are fears about hospitals collapsing. Every winter there is talk of unprecedented strain, of a burnt-out NHS workforce. Well we can confirm that June 2021 has broken all records for the number of people attending A&E, outdoing any winter month on record.

While we may be wearily used to headlines about NHS crises, this one is different. The pressures are coming from every side and nowhere in the system has the space to deal with it, because of the farcical Covid-19 controls and restrictions that have implemented in hospitals. Of course there’s a simple solution but we doubt anyone in charge has the capability to think of it or the bravery to implement it…

Scrap the farcical Covid-19 controls.

Greater Manchester’s health chief Sir Richard Leese, who this week warned hospitals were running at 90% capacity, much higher than at any point during this alleged pandemic has described the situation as unprecedented.

“In effect, the overall number in the middle of June is what we would expect in the middle of winter,

“Sometimes you get lots of pressures on GPs, or the ambulance service, or A&E, or urgent operations, or on pharmacies or dentists,

“What you don’t normally get is all of that at the same time and that’s why clinicians are saying this is ‘unprecedented’ – the escape valves aren’t there.”

Parts of the system are seeing demand at least 30% higher than before the pandemic, a time that was already much busier than what the NHS seen during the pandemic.

Why? Well one of the reasons is that GP’s are not treating people because they have turned their practices into mass vaccination centres. But even the GP’s that haven’t done this are unable to see as many people because of the farcia infection control measures they have implemented in their surgery’s.

At the same time, a great many people who simply held off seeking care during the height of the pandemic are understandably now coming forward – and often those conditions have got worse in the meantime. But why did they hold off seeking care? Because of a fear of overwhelming an NHS which has been extremely underwhelmed for the entirety of this alleged pandemic, or because of a fear of catching an extremely underwhelmingly “deadly” virus.

“We’ve got this situation where people’s angina hasn’t got better, people’s mental health hasn’t got better,” said one senior GP.

“Everything that was hidden has been revealed. There’s not been secret cures, just deferrals.

“The silent majority have kept their lumps and bumps to themselves, partly because of fear and partly because of not wanting to overload the NHS.

“Most estimates suggest that around 92% of NHS patient contacts happen in primary care, so even a small amount of over-spill will have a disproportionate effect on the rest of the system.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...