Further Reading

Saturday 12 June 2021

These Are the Indispensable Tools for Enlightenment

[Wake Up World]: Above all else, there are three indispensable tools for the attainment of enlightenment: knowledge, awareness, and love.

These are three tools that are going to help you attain enlightened consciousness and clear out all of the energetic gunk that’s collected over this lifetime and others, helping you leave the samsaric wheel of birth and death in the physical plane of Reality.

If you have ever experienced a past life regression, or read reports of them, you will undoubtedly come across times when someone suffered a tragic death, such as being shot with an arrow in the back, being hung, suddenly dying from a heart attack, or something else deeply traumatic. In their current lives, they will sometimes have some mark, such as a mole, trouble breathing, or a heart condition. What these people will tell you during the regression hypnosis session is that those are leftover scars, of sorts, from the tragic deaths they suffered in previous lives.

Why did those scars persist? After all, don’t we get fully healed and cleared out in the “Source light shower” as I call it that life-between-life regressions have repeatedly told us occurs? It turns out, there’s nothing we don’t have to do if we don’t want to do it, so not everyone spends enough “time” in this cleansing and healing process. Instead, souls will often decide they died too suddenly and didn’t get to do everything they wanted to accomplish in that most recent incarnation, so they will dive right back into the womb and start a new life without ever fully healing. This leads to persistent issues, often benign but sometimes getting in the way of their intended mission in their new life.

What are we to do when we not only accomplished everything we wanted to due to our sudden demise, but we didn’t attain enlightenment (within the physical planet) and will keep repeating the same patterns that led to various traumas until we one day figure it out. That day could be tomorrow or 100 lifetimes from now. I have found clues to the answer that involve using the three indispensable tools of knowledge, awareness, and love, as well as embodying virtues and qualities that people who have entered the mysterious post-death meditative state of thukdam have had....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....