Further Reading

Friday 11 June 2021

Top Indian Virologist Claim China Was Ready With COVID-19 Vaccine Even Before the Pandemic

[Humans Are Free]: An eminent Indian virologist has raised the flag on the possibility of China having developed the vaccine in advance to be prepared in case of the virus outbreak or a leak — an indicator of the deadly virus being engineered in the lab.

This could have helped China curtail the spread right from the early days. China, with the largest population in the world at 140 crore, recorded just 91,300 Covid-positive cases and 4,636 deaths since December 2019. It is ranked 98 on the list of countries in the order of cases recorded, he said.

The virologist, Dr T Jacob John, former professor & head of department of Clinical Virology, Christian Medical College, Vellore, said as reported by Indian Express:

There are some mysteries about the Chinese episode (the suspected leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology). China’s Covid-19 pandemic was unique in the world. That means they are hiding something… or they are different…or China had prepared for this in advance. Everything is not what meets the eye.”

He cited the example of a young Chinese scientist applying for a licence for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine “as early as February 24, 2020”, just two months after the pandemic broke out.

“It is far too early to work on a vaccine in just two months. They must have started at least a year earlier,” said Dr John.

“That young man (the scientist) is dead. There are too many loose ends. China seems to be covering up something, just like any criminal would cover up.”

Dr T Jacob John said, “There is smoking gun evidence in molecular biology that point to the possibility that it is a lab-manipulated virus.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...