Further Reading

Wednesday 30 June 2021

UK government recruits “behavioral warfare” psychologists to engineer vaccine compliance schemes

[Natural News]: Not enough people are willingly lining up to get injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) so the British government is resorting to “behavioral warfare” programs to try to brainwash the masses into compliance.

According to reports, government bureaucrats in the United Kingdom are now hiring “behavioral warfare” psychologists to come up with devious new ways of convincing the vaccine “hesitant” to roll up their sleeves and permanently alter their DNA in order to help “flatten the curve.”

Mind manipulation experts are busily scheming up fresh ideas to “sell” the notion that “vaccines” are the best and only way to stay “safe” against the Chinese Infection. And their tactics are also slated for use right here in the United States, we now know.

In fact, there might be even more mind control taking place here in the “land of the free” as fake “president” Joe Biden fails to meet his personal goal of jabbing at least 70 percent of the country by Independence Day.

For reasons that have yet to fully manifest, the powers that be are hellbent upon injecting as many people at “warp speed” as they possibly can, almost like they are racing against the clock to meet some hidden deadline that is fast approaching.

Are the “vaccines” priming people’s bodies to receive a microchip implant? Are they turning into spike protein “factories” that will eventually cause mass death? There are many pieces of proof to suggest that something deeply sinister is taking place that will soon become evident....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....