Further Reading

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

VACCINE TERROR SQUAD: AstraZeneca’s rap sheet of criminal acts and medical fraud, including their experimental Covid-19 vaccine (op-ed)

[Natural News]: Pro-vaccine fanatics describe anyone who is against being jabbed with experimental, man-made lab concoctions as experiencing “vaccine hesitancy,” but really, it’s vaccine terror, considering the fact that all 4 of the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers have criminal rap sheets longer than the Mississippi River, including AstraZeneca. The “anti-vaccine” community of the USA is actually pro-science, and that’s why we are all terrified of getting a vaccine that’s been proven to cause blood clots in the lungs, brain and other vital organs.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has already shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements for off-label drug marketing and kickback schemes, and now they’ve created this horrific failure of a Covid-19 vaccine called Vaxzevria, a viral vector vaccine, like the toxic, blood-clotting jab made by Johnson & Johnson.

AstraZeneca scientists use a chimpanzee’s adenovirus to carry spike proteins, and fragments from a “gain of function” bat virus into human cells, all while clogging the blood with proteins and prions that are now uncontrollably manufactured by the injected-human’s body. It’s like cancer but worse, and kills you much sooner.

Any vaccines that cause blood clots and death come highly recommended by the World Hate Organization (WHO), and the Centers for Disease Continuation (CDC), just like the deadly Astra-Z SARS-CoV-2 jab.....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...