Further Reading

Wednesday 9 June 2021

WHO Special Envoy: “Jabs Not Enough We Need To Adapt Lifestyles”

[Richie Allen]: David Nabarro is a constant on SKY News. He’s the World Health Organisation’s special envoy on Covid-19. He told SKY’s Kay Burley this morning, that in future, we’ll need to adapt our lifestyles to fight covid and its never-ending variants.

Nabarro said that when restrictions are eventually lifted, people will need to continue living as if the virus is waiting around every corner. He said:

“I’m trying to really reiterate it can’t be just about restrictions. The future for humanity is that we adapt our lifestyles so we make it hard for this virus to spread.

We know that covid is constantly changing which means that although vaccination is a marvellous asset, it’s not going to be enough. We are going to have to continue to behave as though the virus is an ever-present threat.”

Bizarrely, Nabarro then put a facemask on, telling Burley that wearing one “is not a big thing to do.”  

The presenter never thought to challenge Nabarro on his “future for humanity” comment. God forbid.

I’ve been chatting about the jabs with fellow canine enthusiasts in my local park. Some of them know of the radio show, some of them don’t.

I’m very gentle with them, never domineering. When asked about why I am refusing the offer of a jab, I talk about risk versus benefit. I don’t want to scare them off.

When I ask people why they’ve decided to take it, they mostly tell me it’s because they want life to go back to normal. They’re being coerced but don’t seem to realise or understand it.

When I point out that guys like Nabarro and UK Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty are calling for mask wearing and distancing to continue long after everyone is jabbed, their eyes glaze over. They just don’t get it.

Meanwhile in Salford, the army is coming. They’ll be going door to door to persuade people to have a test and to go for a jab. Vaccine buses are rolling into town to jab the willing.

It used to be the stuff of nightmares. Now it’s a reality.