Further Reading

Saturday 17 July 2021

Boris and The Beanstalk

[David Icke]: When we first encounter Jack in the classic Beanstalk tale, he is setting off to market with his mother’s precious cow. He promises to get a good price for the cow. But a strange merchant crosses Jack’s path and he foolishly parts with the cow for a handful of beans.

When Boris swept to power in 2019, he promised prosperity and justice for all. But like the wayward Jack, he encountered dubious merchants like Tony Blair, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab along the way, who offered him handfuls of beans for the precious gold of his nation’s freedom.

Back in the story we find Jack in the giant’s house. The giant would kill him if he awoke from his slumber. But Jack manages to evade the sleeping giant by tiptoeing around. Although afraid of the giant, Jack is brass necked enough to keep pushing his luck. He chances his arm and manages to escape the giant, who wakes up just too late.

It has been said Boris modelled himself on Churchill, but maybe he has more in common with Jack. He has managed to evade the sleeping giant of British public opinion ever since he introduced draconian lockdown measures in March 2020. The public occasionally stirs from its slumber and appears about to wake up. But then it falls asleep again, allowing Boris to escape back down the beanstalk.

We should not forget how clever Jack is, despite giving the outward appearance of a foolish lad. He manages to outwit the powerful giant and is careful to tiptoe around quietly to evade detection. He also knows to hide away and only appear at the opportune moment when he can steal the giant’s gold.

Johnson, Hancock and Gove all have plenty of Jack in them. They are deceptive and tiptoe lightly to avoid waking the giant of public opinion. They know if that sleeping giant ever opens his eyes, they will be in trouble. Giants are powerful and prone to anger, especially if they begin to smell betrayal.

And it’s not just Boris and The Beanstalk. In Germany it’s Angela and the Beanstalk, in Canada Justin and The Beanstalk, in Melbourne Dan and the Beanstalk, in Ireland Micheal / Leo and the Beanstalk and on it goes. There are many Borises and many beanstalks, all controlled by the merchants with the beans.

Back in the house, Jack peers out from his hiding place and cannot believe how much that giant ate and drank. With his belly filled and appetite well satisfied, the dozy giant falls back to sleep.

The giant in the story is huge and eats three boiled oxen for breakfast. But even he is not as big as the giant that Boris has hypnotised. He has kept the British nation asleep for a year on a diet of furlough cash, served with side salads of endless drivel from the experts in SAGE. And soothing bedtime lullabies from Lieutenant Hancock about freedoms returning sometime soon, just over the rainbow.

Once Jack steals the giant’s gold coins, he can’t stop himself going back for the hen that lays the golden egg. A Covid vaccine, that can be pumped into every man, woman and child on an annual basis, is a hen that lays endless golden eggs for the pharmaceutical industry.

The vast majority of the world’s population will not suffer serious illness from Covid and a considerable percentage already have natural immunity. So the reckless desire to vaccinate the entire global population has no scientific basis. It is driven by financial greed rather than medical need.

The most obscene part of this gold grabbing racket is the plan to vaccinate every child, even though Covid doesn’t affect children. Boris and his Politburo realise this could be the final straw that awakens the giant and opens the floodgates of public anger. They are tiptoeing extremely lightly around it, fearing a fierce backlash from millions of parents demanding a halt to this child abuse. When the giant in the story was awake, the whole house began to tremble.

The tiptoeing takes many forms but is all designed to capture the gold while not disturbing the giant. A never ending lockdown is packaged as a temporary circuit breaker by the tiptoeing totalitarians. Boris never reveals his true plans because to do so would risk waking the giant that has so far been sedated.

Returning once more to the story, we find Jack frantically chopping down the beanstalk as the angry giant approaches. He is no longer tiptoeing, but swings into decisive action to halt the giant’s onward march.

The police officers sent out to crush anti – lockdown protests around the world didn’t tiptoe around. Fearful these protests were awakening the sleeping giant, government enforcers with batons quelled the rebellions from Trafalgar Square to Melbourne.

It is worth remembering that Jack only just escaped. The giant nearly had him in his clutches, but he just woke up too late. If he had managed to descend the beanstalk before it was chopped down, the giant would have crushed Jack.

Waking up in time is crucial. If the public had awoken a year ago, Lieutenant Hancock, Comrade Boris and General Gove would have had their totalitarian plans torn to shreds.

Instead, our deep slumber has emboldened them and their brass necks have grown longer. But they are terrified the giant of public opinion might yet awaken. And their fear is well founded. Giants can sleep for a long time, but they can also awaken suddenly without warning. When The UK giant finally awakens, will Boris and his henchmen be able to get down the beanstalk in time