Further Reading

Friday 2 July 2021

British government in desperate race to increase illusion of ‘cases’ – Professor Simple (I think I spelled that right) wants to add fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea to official ‘Covid’ symptoms to ‘pick up a third more cases of the virus’ that doesn’t exist

Wonder how long it will be before FARTING and BELCHING are symptoms of this ultimate fear mongering dweller on the threshold. The culmination of all fears mankind must face to evolve. How about DANDRUFF and HEARTBURN? Sush ... I'd better not give them ideas.  Its pathetically obvious to those who can rise above the fear and see clearly THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES.

[David Icke]: A SAGE government adviser has said that fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea should be added to the list of COVID symptoms, prompting concerns that this will artificially inflate case numbers.

The London Times reports: “Including fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea on the official list of Covid symptoms would pick up a third more cases of the virus, Calum Semple, a member of the Scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage), said.”

“As older people are vaccinated, proportionally more younger people are having the disease and they have a different group of symptoms,” Semple asserted, adding, “By extending the symptom list, we think we’ll pick up about a third more cases.”

By including symptoms that are common for other illnesses such as flu, if a third more cases are suddenly ‘discovered, SAGE can then attempt to fan the flames of hysteria by claiming the country is experiencing another “wave” of COVID infections.

Calling the idea “mission creep,” commentator Maajid Nawaz suggested that adding more symptoms to the list is an excuse to artificially boost case numbers, which will then be used to argue for further lockdowns in the winter...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....