Further Reading

Friday 23 July 2021

England’s contrived “Freedom Day” overshadowed by “Ping-Demic” food shortages and near-collapse of food infrastructure

Remember the 'toilet roll crisis' and the panic buying set off by the MSM??? Well ... here we go again, but this time with food. Panic buying created by the MSM fear narratives will cause the shortages!

[Natural News]: An alleged “surge” in new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has thrown a wet blanket over England’s “Freedom Day” celebrations, which were further blighted by looming food shortages throughout the United Kingdom.

Reports indicate that just as Prime Minister Boris Johnson lifted Great Britain’s last remaining Chinese Virus restrictions, the so-called “delta variant” of the Fauci Flu began to ravage the country, particularly among the “vaccinated.”

For the first time since January, the number of new “positive” cases of Chinese Germs topped 50,000 in a day, though deaths and hospitalizations are still down from what they were last year.

While Brits no longer have to wear a face mask in public and are not required to work at home, those who test positive for the Wuhan Disease are still being tracked and traced by the National Health Service (NHS) of England and told to self-isolate.

This continued unwanted presence of government interference is causing a “ping-demic” – this is a reference to people who are being “pinged” by the NHS as part of its test-and-trace system – that is further associated with food shortages that threaten to leave grocery store shelves bare in the coming days.

“If the current trajectory of absences continues without the government taking any action, there has to be a risk of disruption to important supply chains, including food,” warns Tim Morris, chief executive of the U.K. Major Ports Group.

According to Morris, the U.K. government’s “ping-demic” interference represents a “significant threat to ports” because it pulls out of commission workers who are deemed “unsafe” to work because of possible exposure to the Wuhan Flu....<<<Read More....>>>....