Further Reading

Monday 5 July 2021

FINALLY! Richard Madeley Calls Out SAGE Commie Susan Michie

[Richie Allen]: Good Morning Britain presenter Richard Madeley asked Professor Susan Michie this morning, if the fact that she has been a member of the Communist Party for 40 years, has any bearing on her opinion that covid restrictions should remain in place indefinitely.

Michie, a behavioural psychologist said that the further lifting of restrictions will lead to an increased rise in cases. She said that NHS staff are exhausted and are facing a huge backlog of urgent procedures that were put on hold to deal with the virus.

Madeley asked her to confirm that she was in fact saying that restrictions should remain in place, to which Michie replied: “Well lifting restrictions will increase transmission. And, with all the problems that I’ve just talked about, it doesn’t seem to me to be the best time to do that…”

Madeley interrupted her and asked her was her opinion informed by her politics. He said:

“….We look at Communist countries around the world and we see that they are tremendously top down dominant and controlled societies that they rule over. I just wonder and I’m putting this question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics, if your politics actually informs your sense of control. It’s not just the medical arguments, but you have a kind of political bent to want the state to tell people what to do.”

Michie kept her composure and told Madeley that she had come on as a scientist and that other scientists weren’t asked about their personal politics. She said that she was happy to speak about science which is what her job is.

Madeley left her off the hook. He should have said that the other scientists weren’t members of the Communist Party. He should have pressed her on her opinion as to how much control the state should exert over our lives, but Madeley is useless.

Michie is a lunatic. Appearing on Channel 5 news three weeks ago, she was asked how long should masks and distancing remain with us. She replied: “I think forever, to some extent.”

Michie and her witchdoctor pals should be exiled in Siberia when this is all over.