Further Reading

Monday 19 July 2021

Forming the Cells of the Global Resistance

[David Icke]: While it may appear to be ‘every individual for himself’ in this forever shifting hall of smoke and mirrors called Covid, actually there is a process of coalescence taking place just under the surface which is heralding the emergence of what I term ‘the new resistance’.

This new resistance is arising as a kick-back against unremitting pressure to conform to a state of engineered chaos and control which has caste the word ‘deception’ into a whole new dimension of toxicity which very few can grasp. We are, after all, confronted by a carefully crafted global plan entirely constructed around and upon, abject lies – from beginning to end. The first and foremost of which is to proclaim its objective as ‘saving mankind from a virulent pandemic’ which never existed in the first place.

So gross is the degree of lie distortion that for the great majority it has proved impossible to consider that it could all be a planned heist whose barely cloaked ulterior motive is a mass depopulation event, long since planned for by the protagonists of A New World Order, now known as ‘The Great Reset’.

The population reduction plan was given a menacingly seductive twist by attaching it to a ‘green saviour mission’ ostensibly designed to rescue the species from ‘global warming’, a grand deception which started the increasingly perverse ‘lie ball’ rolling some fifty years ago at the Club of Rome.

After one and a half years of relentless Covid ‘plandemic’ propaganda designed to scare the pants off every mortal here on Earth, we have arrived at a confluence of reactions. Those whose imaginations lack the breadth to grasp the depths of the deception and those who have recognised the game for what it is are are now sharing their knowledge and push-back plans with others.

The New Resistance is being formed by the latter grouping, who include amongst their ranks the braver doctors, nurses, lawyers, scientists and a smallish number of artists, who recognise that the very future of life itself is on the line in this macabre war against humanity.

Standing in the way of a grand expose and key legal actions to incarcerate the chief Covid protagonists, are the entire political ‘elite’, royalty, the press, leaders of notorious institutions and banking empires that administer the global policy agenda, a handful of multimillionaires and hundreds of millions of citizens of various countries who prefer to ‘live the lie’ than confront the truth.

It’s The New Resistance’s job to break-through this wall of denial via finding its weak points and instigating actions to publicly expose the criminal activities of the chief protagonists. Those involved in premeditated genocide on an unprecedented scale....<<<Read The Original Article Here>>>....