Further Reading

Monday 19 July 2021

Mad Commie Michie: “Keep Restrictions Until All Have Been Jabbed”

[Richie Allen]: Susan “The Mad Commie” Michie, a psychologist and SAGE member (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies), told the BBC this morning that covid restrictions should remain in place until everybody in the UK has been double jabbed.

Michie previously stated that mask wearing and social distancing should remain in place “forever.” She may be as mad as a box of frogs, but the BBC loves her particular brand of bullshit.

Asked by the Beeb’s Victoria Derbyshire, whether the current restrictions should remain in place, Michie replied:

“I do. Given that we are in a situation where we’ve got very high levels of transmission, they’re rising exponentially, especially in some parts of the country. There are already pressures on the health service, the health service staff are exhausted. And already wards that had been put back into general medical surgical wards, have now been put back into covid only wards.

We’ve got 5 million people on waiting lists for treatment. And we’ve got a situation where we’ve only got, if you look at the whole population above 12, just over half vaccinated.

So you’ve got a partially vaccinated population with high transmission, which is very dangerous in terms of new variants that might further undermine the vaccination programme.

So the sensible thing to do is to go by data not dates. Wait until we have brought the transmission levels down. Wait until we’ve finished the vaccination programme. Then lift up the restrictions with confidence that we can carry on going forward with the roadmap and not ever have to have another lockdown which nobody wants.

Every word of Michie’s answer is untruthful. NHS staff are not exhausted. Bed occupancy is not above the five year average for the time of year. Cases are not rising exponentially. They are testing hundreds of thousands of healthy people each day, with a test that is notorious for returning false positives.

Whatever covid was, it’s long gone. There has never been a variant of any infection, that has scaled up. Variants are always weaker. They are lying through their teeth and they know it