Further Reading

Friday 30 July 2021

Martial Law In Australia – Army To Police Sydney Lockdown

 [Richie Allen]: he Australian government has sent the army to Sydney to help enforce lockdown there. Australian Defence Force Soldiers will be trained this weekend before beginning unarmed patrols from Monday.

The government claims the measure is necessary as there have been 3,000 cases of the so-called Delta variant and 9 deaths in the past month. Sydney has a population of 5.3 million people.

9 people have died in a month and the government has deployed the army. Does anyone in Sydney still believe that this is really about a virus?

The current lockdown will remain in place until at least August 28th. People are banned from leaving their home except for essential exercise, shopping, caregiving and other reasons.

Sydney has been in lockdown for 5 weeks, proof if it was ever needed, that lockdowns do not prevent the spread of an airborne pathogen. This is tyranny writ large.

State Police Minister David Elliott said it was necessary to deploy the troops because a small minority of Sydneysiders think “the rules didn’t apply to them.”

Here’s a clue as to what is really going on. Australia’s rate of vaccination, 17% of the adult population, remains one of the lowest among OECD countries.

It’s all about the jabs. The Australian government is holding its citizens hostage. They can get out if they have the jab. But that’s not true either is it?