Further Reading

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Michael Gove: “Those Who Refuse Vaccines Are Selfish!”

 Another of the psychotic bum and child porn loving fraternity who call the non-vaccinated when they are NOT vaccinated themselves. This particular specimen is a nasty one. This is a caged viper that thinks it bites. Its still a public SERVANT. It serves US, THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Why should we let this NONCE dictate our lives? He's a tosser who thinks by threatening us, we will jump to his word and get the proven to be very dangerous jab!!!

[Richie Allen]: Michael Gove has accused those who will not come forward for a jab of putting other people’s lives at risk. Refuseniks are selfish he said. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday afternoon the cabinet office minister said:

Ultimately, if you can be vaccinated and you refuse to, that is a selfish act. You’re putting other people’s health and lives at risk, you should get vaccinated. If you deliberately refuse to get vaccinated and there are certain venues and certain events that require a certain level of safety, then the terms in which you will be able to get into those venues and those events will be barred to you.”

Fighting talk there from the squirrelly little pipsqueak Gove. This from the guy who stated on several occasions earlier this year, that his government would never introduce vaccine passports. Of course I didn’t believe him. I predicted the roll-out of vaccine passports as early as last Summer.

Why Gove chose to say this today is a mystery to me. He said nothing new. We know that a vaccine passport or a covid pass will be required for entry to nightclubs, football stadiums and large indoor events from this Autumn. They’ve been banging on about nothing else for the past week.

I suppose they believe that if they say it often enough, more of the younger population (the ones they’re really after) will come forward to be injected. I’d love to believe that a day of reckoning looms in Gove’s future. By that I mean that he’ll have to answer for his lies. Not just him, all of them. But I’m not so sure. This has an air of inevitability about it