Further Reading

Friday 23 July 2021

Is Government Facing Commons Defeat On Vaccine Passports?

[Richie Allen]: A Labour Party spokesman has told The Telegraph that vaccine passports are “costly, impractical and open to fraud.” The unnamed spokesman told the paper:

“We need to see the detail of what the Government puts forward regarding vaccine passports. We oppose the use of Covid vaccination status for everyday access to venues and services. It’s costly, open to fraud and is impractical.

Being double jabbed doesn’t prove you aren’t carrying the virus. Testing for access to venues would be more efficient, and would give people and businesses more certainty.”

Around 42 rebel Tory MP’s have signed a petition declaring their opposition to vaccination passports for “general services, businesses or jobs.” If all opposition MP’s were to vote against the passport bill, the government would be defeated.

A glimmer of hope maybe? I’m not sure. The Labour spokesman was hardly scathing in his condemnation of the idea of vaccine passports. He proposed testing as a compromise, but that’s equally as Orwellian.

Are we being manipulated here? Was Johnson’s declaration that people will need to prove that they’d been double-jabbed to get into a nightclub just a ruse?

Was the introduction of testing as a condition of entry to pubs, clubs and theatres the plan all along? If so, it makes sense to create outrage in the population with the passport scheme plan and then offer testing as a compromise.

You’d also drive up injection uptake that way. The government could say, “Alright then, no vaccine passports, but you must be tested before going to a pub, nightclub and other indoor venues. Every single time. However, if you get double-jabbed, you can avoid the hassle of testing.”

In actual fact, you’d be creating a covid certification scheme by the back door.

Sneaky bastards aren’t they?