Further Reading

Saturday 24 July 2021

Russia staged a communist plandemic back in 1979 similar to “covid”

[Natural News]: It was the year 1979 when a mysterious pneumonia disease started spreading throughout the Russian Urals city of Yekaterinburg, ushering in a localized medical police state much like the one that is now being birthed on a global scale via the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Many people are unaware of the story, but it reads like a dress rehearsal for everything we are seeing take place today in response to the Chinese Virus.

The government and media claimed that the mysterious pneumonia disease was spreading through the air: check. People getting sick and having to be hospitalized was used to authorize the use of secret police: check. The media was told to cover up the source of true source of the disease, which turned out to be a deep state laboratory: check.

Nearly every component of the 1979 Yekaterinburg pneumonia outbreak matches the Fauci Flu “pandemic” of today, right down to the false narrative that it had randomly jumped species from animal to human – that is until American spies reportedly picked up cues pointing to a different narrative.

Today, those “spies” are everyday sleuths with a brain, as well as a handful of broken-from-the-ranks doctors and politicians who are defying the prevailing narrative in favor of actual evidence, which suggests that the Wuhan Flu originated in a laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

“You’re thinking this is another coronavirus story – only it’s somehow planted 42 years in the past, right? Not this time,” reports Western Journal. “While the Soviet anthrax incident looked eerily like it could’ve been a rehearsal for communist China’s apparent COVID-19 release, the two were not planned to be similar.”

“But it was perhaps our first small-scale glimpse into what would take the world by storm four decades later … and it reiterates that history repeats itself.”...<<<<Read More....>>>...