Further Reading

Thursday 1 July 2021

The Abyss We Refuse to See

[Waking Times]: Everyone talks a big game about being open minded and flexible in their thinking. But when it comes down to it, how often do we avoid the effort of thinking and simply rely on our faith to guide us? Probably more often than most of us would care to admit.

Reason, thinking, taking things into deep consideration, is a choice. Unfortunately, most of us don’t choose reason. Most of us choose belief. This doesn’t only apply to religion and dogma. This applies also to our blind faith in the government, the state, in authority, and in the police. It also applies to everyday living. Most of us believe rather than think.

The problem with this is that it creates a society that ignorantly wants someone else to do their thinking for them; even if they won’t, or can’t, admit it to themselves. This inevitably leads to the abuse of power. And because power tends to corrupt, those who we allow to do our thinking for us will eventually abuse that power. That is, unless we are willing to take our power back and do some thinking of our own.

Faith at the expense of reason creates a blackhole, an abyss we refuse to see. Willful ignorance is the refusal. The abyss is all around us. It’s evident in government corruption and police brutality. It’s evident in the extent religions must go to bludgeon a thinker into going along with their irrational magical thinking.

A faith that by its very beliefs rejects reason and embraces the irrational cannot long endure without intimidation or force. In religion we see intimidation. In the government we see force. In the police we see violence. The abyss we refuse to see is the corruption caused by this intimidation and force, which is reinforced by our own willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance.

The primary war is inside us. Do we choose to think or do we choose to believe? Do we choose reason or faith? Do we choose to ask uncomfortable questions or to accept comfortable answers? The front line is within. And it is won or lost in proportion to how we each deal with the clash between reason and wishful thinking....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...