Further Reading

Sunday 18 July 2021

The Covid-19 Vaccines are NOT working, and the authorities know it because the data shows it – Just ask the fully vaccinated Health Secretary who now has Covid-19

[The Daily Expose]: The Covid-19 vaccines have been billed as the saviour of humanity from this alleged pandemic. However, the data shows that they are proving to be quite the opposite.

Just ask the new Health Secretary Sajid Javid, who had his second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine on the 16th May 2021, and is now self-isolating at home with his family after testing positive for Covid-19 on the 17th July 2021, two months later.

Even Public Health England data shows us that the majority of people now dying with Covid-19 have been fully vaccinated. 68% of the deaths to have occurred in the over 50’s since February 2021 have been people who had received two doses of the jab.

Once you do the maths based on the data presented by PHE you can see that your risk of dying with Covid-19 is 990% higher if you are fully vaccinated compared to not being vaccinated at all. The data also shows us that your chances of being hospitalised with Covid-19 increases by 81.24% if you have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine. This is not what they said they would do on the tin.

Of course, the UK could just be the anomaly. Maybe its because of all the “Covidiots” living their lives as normal? As is their basic human right to be able to do. To know this we need to look at what’s happening in other countries.

Well, let’s start with Israel. Israel has been the global leader in COVID-19 vaccine administration per capita. Israel started its vaccination programme in December, led by then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Six weeks after, roughly 64% of the general population (and about 90% of older people) in Israel had received at least one dose of Pfizer’s two-shot COVID-19 vaccine. Just over a half had got two doses.

By the 21st May 2021, Israel had fully vaccinated just under 60% of it’s entire population. Don’t forget children make up a significant amount of that population and have not been vaccinated....<<<Read The Original Article Here>>>....