Further Reading

Saturday 21 August 2021

Another Mars Anomaly and A Big Problem

Another anomaly image taken from Google Mars back in 2005 before censorship pixellated the interesting areas of apparent Mars. We have a BIG problem with any of this imagery actually being from Mars. We CAN'T get to Mars! Earth is a sealed unit. It is impossible to travel to Mars. 

So is this clever NASA CGI? 

Or is this photography of an undeclared land mass that is beyond the 'known planet earth' they have us believe we exist in ...??? It's NOT Mars ... so where is it?

Interestingly, they tale of ET being Extra Terrestrial and everyone thinks immediately of aliens visiting from space. That has been intentional suggestive programming by the evil ones. However, think of terrestrial as meaning TERRITORIAL .. so it becomes Extra Territorial. There are extra territories beyond our known earth ... and it is these territories they are visiting .... they look earth like because basically they are earth like.