Further Reading

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Becoming Brave

[Waking Times]: It is obvious to any one with more than a couple of brain cells that this pandemic is a plan long in the making, and a major step in the elite’s mission to control all life on earth. The Luciferian agenda has crept forward in such small increments that few have noticed this shuffle into tyranny.

But now push has come to shove…the world has been brought to its knees by a pathogen with a 99% recovery rate….

As a result of this ‘fake pandemic’ the hysteria and oppression unleashed on the unsuspecting public is diabolical, unconscionable and criminal.

So what is this scamdemic really all about?

The soulless beings that created this dimension have been tinkering with our genome for a very long time. Our bodies have been modified and our awareness dumbed down to the point where it is hard to distinguish a herd of sheep from people in the street.

And, it is my sense that the inoculation being foisted upon humanity is another modification of our genome. Carried out by the same demonic bunch that have been interfering with us before the so called ‘primal scream’.

They are coming for the children with a vengeance. The first move was to isolate and cripple their minds with social distancing, lack of human touch, and destroying their health with masks. Stage two under the guise of safety is injecting them with a six sided, self replicating, electromagnetic molecule called graphene oxide. The mark of the beast mind.

This horror we are living through is not about a disease…it’s about absolute mind control and the trans-humanist agenda.

There is a spiritual battle in full cry. The aim of the globalists is to eradicate the spirit of humanity and make way for the cyborg machine man. The inoculated masses have unwittingly forfeited their spiritual connection with Source in return for ‘physically getting back to normal’. ...<<<Read More>>>...