Further Reading

Monday 2 August 2021

Dear vaccinated people: Are you angry yet?

[Natural News]: By now, you have probably heard the news from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are a total failure. And one thing many people really want to know is what the “fully vaccinated” think about this.

The jabbed were, after all, told that getting the Trump Vaccine would “stop the spread,” resulting in a “new normal” without face masks, social isolation and economic failure. It turns out that the opposite is true as the injected have been declared by the government as “super-spreaders.”

Everything the injected were told all these months by Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and Joe Biden has turned out to be a complete lie. The unvaccinated are doing just fine, of course, but the vaccinated have been turned into walking spike protein “factories” – and the government is now officially admitting this.

If any of the vaccinated are actually paying attention, at least some of them have to be upset that they were hoodwinked like this. They deliberately sold their souls and permanently reprogrammed their DNA so they could go out to dinner again and travel, only to learn months later that they were deceived by medical fascists.

At least some of them have to be thinking to themselves right about now: Why did I listen to Fauci? Maybe he’s not such a good guy after all, but now it’s too late and my body is ruined....<<<Read More...>>>...