Further Reading

Monday 23 August 2021

FDA Grants Full Approval To Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

 Desperation! The long distance runner that has been in a sprint race is now exhausted. Having made its moves too quickly due to the awakened seeing what it is doing - the long distance runner plays its desperate plan. More fear narratives. And the beginning of the end. 

All eyes should be on Cern who are in possession of enough anti-matter to blow the earth existence to kingdom come. 

With the looking glass program predicting their defeat .... maybe the mad fuckers will create the time loop again. Hoping for a better result the next time round?

[The Pulse]: On Monday, The Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for people aged 16 and up. This is the first COVID-19 vaccine to move out of emergency use status in the United States.

In order to get approval, Pfizer claims it provided the F.D.A. with data from 44,000 clinical trial participants in United States, the European Union, Turkey, South Africa and South America. Pfizer claims their data shows the vaccine was 91 percent effective in preventing infection.

FDA regulators are still in the process of reviewing Moderna’s application for full approval which could take several weeks. Further, Johnson & Johnson is expected to apply for full approval soon as well.

Our own investigation suggests vaccine efficacy is much more complicated than Pfizer claims, and a more nuanced understanding is required to inform the public of what efficacy truly looks like. You can see our investigations here and here....<<<Read More>>>...