Further Reading

Sunday 1 August 2021

Globalists are the predators, Covid-19 is the weapon, and you are the prey

[The Daily Expose]: “[The Globalists] think that they will govern the world, working through WHO and China … they’re going to exploit the world – that is they’re going to bring predatory capitalism with a veneer of predatory socialism or Marxism to the world – and they’re going to get richer and richer,” Dr. Breggin said.

He explained further, “the inner circle of the Marxists want to be the emperors of the world. They’re bringing to two traditions together: the emperors, and, Hitler-Stalin-Mao. They want to extend these principles of total control.”

There is no social security system in China – the saying is “you’re born alone and you die alone” – and the government expects families, as is the Chinese tradition, to take care of their elders. Most Chinese elderly people lack pensions and are largely dependent on their children for financial support. With the implementation of China’s one-child policy there are now too few children to provide for their ageing parents.

According to Dr. Breggin the virus was the perfect weapon to release in China as “they have no compunction about killing off “useless eaters”. They have no compunction about killing off the people to harvest organs. They have goals rather than compunctions. And so, by releasing this in China enabled them to not only vastly increase the power of the party but they killed an awful lot of old folks.”

Is this the regime we want running our world?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...