Further Reading

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Has this Government and its “Scientific” advisers ever heard of natural immunity?

 [The Daily Expose]: Has anyone heard of long-term risks associated with natural immunity? No? Neither have we. Natural immunity doesn’t come with a price tag, financial or otherwise. There’s no price we have to pay: no antibody dependent enhancement (“ADE”), no prion disease or infertility, for example.

During an interview with The Highwire Dr. Mike Yeadon discussed a “list of lies” told by governments about Covid. Almost everything we have been told about this virus and the response to it has been a lie. One lie is that the PCR is a reliable test of infection and another is because the virus is novel there is no prior immunity to it.

As for no prior immunity to SARS-CoV-2 Dr. Yeadon said, “In the first three weeks [of the ‘pandemic’] I worked out that was not true.” He checked scientific resources and “realised it was something like 80% similar to SARS 2003 and maybe 60% similar to common cold causing coronaviruses. I thought, ‘there will be a lot of people who will have been exposed to one or other of those,’ and I knew that meant lots of people will have prior immunity. That is: they’ve encountered something similar, they’ve overcome the virus, and, with stable respiratory viruses, if you overcome them, you will be left with very durable, strong immunity: [both] T-cell and antibody, and I knew that. And, I know that the [government] scientific advisors know that too.”

People who had been exposed to SARS in 2003 were asked to volunteer for a study. The study was to determine if those who had survived SARS had immunity and, if so, what kind. Long-term immune protection involves several components and one of them, and probably the best, is the different types of T cells which help recognize and kill pathogens. The study found that every participant had robust T-cell immunity 17 years later, so “it’s probably going to be life-long. I think that’s what’s going to happen with SARS-CoV-2.,” said Dr. Yeadon.

The study also tested if the participants’ immunity recognised SARS-CoV-2, and they did. SARS and SARS-CoV-2 are about 80% genetically similar. In other words, the gap, or difference, between the two viruses is about 20%. The study proved the human immune system easily breaches that gap. If you’re immune to one of the viruses you’re immune to the other. So, how big is the gap between SARS-CoV2 variants?

When SARS-CoV-2 replicates it makes mistakes in its genetic sequence, a “typographical error” or “typo” if you like. This is called a variant. The governments, its advisors and legacy media give the impression that there are “variants of concern”: “Kent variant”, “South African variant”, “Indian variant”. The SARS-CoV-2 variant that is most different from, or with the biggest gap to, the Wuhan strain is only 0.3% different to the Wuhan virus. So, if two viruses – SARS and SARS-CoV-2 – differ by 20% and the immune system has no difficulty recognising it, “there’s no chance that a 0.3% variant can escape human immunity,” said Dr. Yeadon. A study has tested this: cells taken from persons who had recovered from SARS-CoV-2 were challenged with every variant the scientists had and, sure enough, the T-cells responded....<<<Read More...>>>...