Further Reading

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Investigation – UK Gov. / SAGE document admits the Covid-19 Vaccines will lead to a variant that kills 35% of people because the jabs do not prevent infection or transmission

[The Daily Expose]: A document produced by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies advising the UK Government on future Covid-19 variants and the consequences of them, clearly states that it is likely a new variant will emerge that has a 35% case fatality rate, and the reason is that the current Covid-19 injections on offer do not prevent infection or transmission of the existing variants of Covid-19.

The document, entitled ‘Long term evolution of SARS-CoV-2‘, was published on the UK Government site on the 26th July 2021 and explores several potential scenarios that could occur in the future due to the current vaccination programme, and the use of antiviral drugs.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) state within the document that the eradication of Covid-19 is extremely unlikely and that they have high confidence there will “always be variants”. However they claim the number of variants depends on one thing…

The number of control measures put in place by the UK Government.

If you thought things were going back to normal any time soon then the SAGE paper clearly shows that you are very mistaken.

SAGE outline one scenario within the document that states there is a realistic possibility that a Covid-19 variant could emerge that causes much more severe disease in the greater population than what has occurred to date. They claim it could even kill as many as 35% of those it infects....<<<Read More...>>>...