Further Reading

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Motorists should be charged per mile to counter electric vehicle traffic fears, says Blair Institute in another plan straight off the Cult script by this Cult-owned war criminal

 More BULLSHIT ... we don't need electric cars. They are less eco friendly than diesel and petrol ... we've not asked for them. They've been forced on us. The government WASTES money on dumb schemes using our money so let them pay for their bullshit.

 [David Icke]: The Government is being urged to charge motorists by the mile amid warnings that the switch to electric vehicles will triple the amount of time we spend stuck in traffic.

There are currently around 100,000 electric cars on Britain’s roads, but that figure is expected to soar to 25 million by 2035.

While the switch will help the UK reach its ambitious climate change targets, the dramatic drop in the cost of driving, as drivers no longer have to pay for fuel, is expected to massively increase congestion.

The move to battery powered cars will also see the Treasury miss out on an estimated £260 billion in fuel duty and vehicle tax over the next 20 years.

Now, a report from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, is recommending a shift to road pricing, with motorists charged according to when, where and how far they drive.

Researchers have estimated that by 2040 congestion will be so bad that drivers will spend up to 32 hours a year stuck in traffic, up from an average of nine hours today.

They also predict the loss of revenue for the Government through the sale of petrol and diesel will mean income tax will have to rise by six pence in the pound to make up the shortfall.