Further Reading

Sunday 8 August 2021

“People Will Have Blood On Their Hands!”

[Richie Allen]: Talk radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer said this morning, that when a child inevitably dies after receiving a covid jab, the people responsible will have “blood on their hands.”

Hartley Brewer was discussing the government’s decision to begin jabbing 16 and 17 year-olds with retired paediatrician Dr. Ros Jones, who is herself totally opposed to rolling out the jabs to children.

Pulling no punches whatsoever, Hartley-Brewer said:

“My worry is that..I can say that oh well my child, when it goes to 14 year-olds which it inevitably will, my child won’t get vaccinated. But lots of parents will get their children vaccinated, because of all the reasons you stated.

And my worry is that we are genuinely going to see, a perfectly healthy child, taking a vaccine that is basically there to protect a 70 year-old rather than them and they are going to have a severe reaction and they are possibly going to die and people are going to have blood on their hands because we don’t need to do this.”

The retired paediatrician Dr. Ros Jones was in complete agreement with the radio presenter. She replied:

No. I think you’re absolutely right and I think it’s interesting that they’ve chosen to only give one dose at the moment. They’re making it up as they go along because there’s no trial data about whether you can just give one dose and stick with one dose.

But you’re right, the myocarditis risk is significantly higher after the second dose. It can happen after the first, but it’s relatively rare. After the second dose, for 16 to 25 year-olds, from the American CDC study, it’s 1 in 15,000.

And that’s from a voluntary reporting scheme so it may be a lot higher than that.”

Dr. Ros Jones is right. Under-reporting means that there might be a much more serious risk of myocarditis than 1 in 15,000 which is incredibly high anyway. Julia Hartley-Brewer is on the money. WHEN children die as a result of having the jab, those responsible will have blood on their hands.

Please share this article with anyone who has teenage children.