Further Reading

Friday 6 August 2021

Piers Morgan Calls for Unvaccinated to be Denied Medical Treatment

Nothing to see here! Just another of the B & CP lovers quoting their psychotic masters story line! He knows how damn dangerous the double jab poisons are, and what they are for! 

He'll not have had either of the control jabs yet he is slating those of us with brains, intelligence, and the brain power to check the facts out for ourselves and choose not to be changed from humans into trans human drones!!! 

This is a particularly vile and nasty member of the death cult supporters club!

[The Daily Expose]: Since Piers Morgan left Good Morning Britain in a tantrum, he has been having to find ways to get attention and stay relevant. As a result, he has been leading the charge for unvaccinated people to face government-sanctioned discrimination after he stated that those who haven’t had the Covid vaccine should be denied medical treatment.

In a tweet, Piers said: “Those who refused to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch covid. I’m hearing of anti-vaxxers using up ICU beds in London at vast expense to the taxpayer. Let them pay for their own stupidity & selfishness.”

Of course, Morgan failed to mention that the official data shows that 87% of people who have died were vaccinated. From the 26th of June to the 23rd July 2021, Public Health Scotland (PHS) claims that 38,067 positive cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the unvaccinated population. However, within the same time frame, just 15,485 positive cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the fully vaccinated population.

Although, of the unvaccinated population, 863 people have been hospitalised in the same time frame. Whereas of the fully vaccinated population, 763 people have been hospitalised in the same time frame.

This means that just 2.3% of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated population have resulted in hospitalisation. Whereas 5% of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the fully vaccinated population have resulted in hospitalisation.

Therefore, it appears that there are more “breakthrough cases” being hospitalised than individuals who are unvaccinated.

Additionally, Morgan fails to mention that those who are unvaccinated and choose not to get the jab also pay for the NHS through their taxes.

Following this, Morgan also called those who haven’t gotten vaccinated “incredibly stupid and deeply depressing,” asking “what the f*ck is wrong with you????”

Morgan is essentially saying that people who refuse to get vaccinated by vaccines have caused over 1,102,228 adverse reactions and 1,517 deaths in the UK, for a virus which the majority have a 99.8% survival rate, should be refused treatment and left to die to save money and the NHS.

Although, if implemented, his “solution” would end up killing more innocent lives rather than saving any, as many would be left to suffer at home. Additionally, those who test positive at hospital would be classed as Covid admissions even if the person is asymptomatic and being treated for a non-covid illness, therefore any deaths would still be classed as Covid deaths.

This fearmongering and aggressive discrimination is only creating a two-tier society, which very soon will be in place, targeting the unvaccinated for failing to comply and obey the rules. This discrimination is only being normalised and encouraged by “celebrities”, government officials, and the mainstream media.

What’s next? The unvaccinated will be shipped off to medical prison camps? Give it time.