Further Reading

Sunday, 22 August 2021

The reason why the authorities are so desperate to make sure every man, woman, and child gets the ‘Covid-19’ fake vaccine

 [David Icke]: Have you ever wondered why the authorities are so desperate to make sure every man, woman, and child gets the Covid-19 vaccine? The answer is obvious when you think about it. They can’t have a “control group” of unvaccinated people, because if there is then it will become abundantly clear that the Covid-19 injections don’t work, cause severe injuries, and kill people.

With more doctors, scientists, nurses and health care workers waking up and blowing the whistle every day, the authorities are now in a mass panic to make sure as many people as possible are given the injection before they catch on to the fact that they have been played.

In truth though the game is up in regards to creating the illusion that the injections actually work, and this is where the alleged Covid-19 variants come in to play in order for the authorities to save face and blame the new variants for the current experimental injections inadequacy.

The New York Times ran an article on the 19th August 2021 entitled, “Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections.”

The article openly admits that the Covid-19 injections given to 2.5 billion people around the world no longer work very well, and that the people who took those vaccines are now the ones getting sick and dying....<<<Read More>>>...