Further Reading

Monday 9 August 2021

THE SCAMDEMIC NEVER ENDS: Fauci says another variant of COVID “worse that Delta” has surfaced with endless lockdowns and restrictions sure to follow

How come this member of the B & CP club hasn't been arrested or better, murdered? Its clearly been exposed what he is and what he's doing. Why are people still listening to the words of this sadistic psychopath?

Variants are WEAKER versions of the original. Its merely the original virus trying survive. WEAKER .... not DEADLIER. Its lies to say otherwise. 

[Natural News]: Do you remember when we are all told that the government just wanted “two weeks to slow the spread” of the COVID-19 virus? That seems so long ago, though it wasn’t.

About 16 months ago the vast majority of Americans showed a willingness to do what we were asked to do: Close our businesses and shops, shut down our places of employment, and hunker down in our homes, only venturing out for vital supplies like food and acute medical care.

And still, the virus spread.

So, for the next year, we endured one COVID-related outrage after another — no church services, no public gatherings (unless you were taking part in a Black Lives Matter riot), no going to gyms, no restaurants, masks everywhere…until the vaccines came.

Well, long-time readers know how we feel about vaccines around here, especially experimental ones, but to play the game, the powers that be told us that the more of us who got the jab, the faster we could return to normal.

Except that was never the plan; once power-mad bureaucrats and Democrats siphoned power away from the people, they were never going to give it back, and now that’s becoming plainly obvious as wave after wave of new COVID variants “emerge” from out of the blue.

First, it was the Delta variant, and now, here comes the “Lambda” strain, and of course, it’s more potent and deadly than the first two strains.

After all, COMRADE Anthony Fauci, that paragon of truth and virtue, says so.,,,<<<Read More...>>>...