Further Reading

Tuesday 24 August 2021

What Happened to Atlantis? What Will Happen to Us?

 An interesting article. We have our own thoughts on this popular topic. We've seen a map recently that shows the location of Lemuria/Atlantis ... that coincides with where ruins have been found by divers. 

We only have to go back 300 years to see the end of that highly advanced civilisation!! We live are surrounded by their incredible structures witin our society and don't even know it! Tartaria was infiltrated and ended around 300 years. Empty cities devoid of people indicates some kind of 'H' bomb genocide at the end of a world war ... the Rothchilds already established in their society along with the north hating Freemasons ... the same Luciferian crazy societies that try to rule us now ... re-firing up the civilisation we know today with tens of thousands of orphan babies popping out of advanced baby making machines (The same ones they want us to be created from post-2025) ... placing all the ex-inhabitants back into the world as reincarnations. Every single one of us.

[The Pulse] Some of us focus on global CO2 levels, some on broader measures of environmental devastation, including loss of biodiversity, right up to the Sixth Existinction. If you are not familiar with Elizabeth Kolbert’s book, she documents that species are now dying at a rate unseen since the disappearance of the dinosaurs, 65 mya. The chain reaction of disappearing species will continue, leaving a much impoverished global ecosystem that may or may not be able to support human life.

I suspect that we won’t have the luxury of an illusion of normalcy much longer. We will look back at 2020 and say, that was the year when things started to get weird, the first hint that the background we have taken for granted all our lives’ long must be questioned and re-evaluated.

To put our present crisis in context, it may be helpful to review evidence that a technically advanced, global civilization existed in the deep past and disappeared suddenly in an event that geologists call the Younger Dryas..

Geologists know what happened 12,700 years ago. We just don’t know what caused it, or how fast it happened. It is called the Younger Dryas Event.

There is a small, elite group of billionaires, working in secret over the last decades, maybe centuries. I don’t know who they are, but there are some good candidates. Catherine Austin Fitts calls them “Mr. Global”, so I will, too. Anyone who extolls the Great Reset is a candidate. They have perceived, correctly, that if human civilization is to collapse, the sooner it happens, the less damage there will be from which to recover.

Mr. Global got that right. But what he got wrong is that he thinks he can control the collapse and lead the world that is left in its wake. Mr. Global is smart but not wise, and, of course, “wisdom” is far insufficient to “manage” global ecosystems. His ideas are based on the corporate model of top-down control, deciding what is to live and what is to die. Species useful to us will be cultivated in endless rows, everything else will have to go. Mr Global has no idea how interdependent is all life, and he doesn’t understand that ecosystems have lives of their own. They are self-organized, self-regulating systems. Top-down management can never work. Let’s make sure he never gets the chance to learn that lesson the hard way....<<<Read More>>>...