Further Reading

Wednesday 1 September 2021

A New Covid Variant Arrives In Time For Winter – How Convenient

 Another computer simulated virus variant. More bullshit laid down by the scared elite. The same old ...yawn .... lies and trauma based mind control. 

The average human sheeple lemming will be petrified by now. But its only the computers that can catch the variants. Any variants of the original November 2019 strain will be WEAK and HARMLESS. Yes they will transmit more, that is the nature of variants ... but they haven't the power to burst the paper bag the elite keep their bullshit in ...

MU ... moo moo ... boo hoo I'm so scared...

[Richie Allen]: There’s a new covid variant that we should all be very worried about. Altogether now….YAWN! It’s become as predictable as night and day. The World Health Organisation has labelled the “Mu” variant as one of concern.

The WHO says it is potentially more resistant to vaccines. In the immortal words of Jeannie Bueller, if you dried that one out, you could fertilise the lawn with it.

Mu variant? Don’t they mean Moo? Moo as in Bull? Bull as in Bullshit? How thick do they think we are? Pretty thick it would appear. UK witchdoctors have been quick to lend a hand in ramping up the fear today. According to The Telegraph:

Prof Danny Altmann, an immunology expert at Imperial College London, told The Telegraph that the emergency of new variants is a stark reminder that the pandemic is not over.

“Mu looks potentially good at immune evasion. For my taste, it’s a stark reminder that this isn’t by any means over: on a planet of 4.4 million plus new infections per week, there are new variants popping up all the time, and little reason to feel complacent,” Prof Altmann added.

Pull the other one Danny! Christ, it’ll never be over eh? Even if every last man woman and child on Earth submits to the jabs, it will go on and on and on. There will always be a new variant.

Covid is the gift that keeps on giving. There will always be a new scariant to justify the reintroduction of restrictions and increase jab uptake.

According to the WHO report on “Mu”, preliminary data suggests that it may be able to evade antibodies generated from both prior infection and coronavirus vaccines at levels “similar to that seen for the Beta variant.”

Limahl should re-release “The Never-ending Story” and rejig the lyrics to make it about covid scariants. We’re going to hear a lot about new variants in the coming weeks and adapted jabs and covi-flu jabs and vaccine passports and local lockdowns etc etc.

But then you don’t need me to tell you that do you?