Further Reading

Friday 17 September 2021

CDC admits natural immunity offers better protection than experimental COVID jabs

[Natural News]: The CDC is admitting natural immunity provides better protection against Covid-19 than the experimental jabs just a week after Dr. Anthony Fauci failed to explain why a person who recovered from Covid should still get the vaccine.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked Fauci last week about an Israeli study showing natural immunity provides better protection against Covid variants than Covid vaccines.

“What are people to make of that?” Gupta asked. “I get calls all the time, people say, ‘I’ve already had Covid, I’m protected.’ And now, this study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?”

“That’s a really good point Sanjay, I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that,” Fauci said, adding, “What the paper from Israel didn’t tell you is whether or not, as high as the protection is with natural infection, what’s the durability compared to the durability of a vaccine?”...<<<Read More>>>...