Further Reading

Thursday 2 September 2021

Every Pub In Britain Should Ban GMB Host Susanna Reid

 [Richie Allen]: Susanna Reid is a television presenter. She is paid millions of pounds to co-present Good Morning Britain for ITV. She laughably describes herself as a journalist. See her Twitter blurb. Journalist my arse. The establishment never had a more loyal shill than Reid.

Throughout the pandemic hoax, Reid (and her colleagues mind), have failed miserably to challenge the efficacy or necessity of lockdowns. Rather than chip away at government ministers over the harm caused by lockdowns, Reid and her mates consistently harangued them for not locking down harder and sooner.

Reid gave the unlicensed experimental jabs a pass too. Nothing to see here as far as she’s concerned. She sits there day after day while her colleague Dr. Hilary Jones extolls the virtues of the jabs while acting as a de facto drug dealer for the worlds biggest pharmaceutical companies. Jones would jab foetuses if it was possible. He’s a beauty.

Susanna Reid is wretched though. On this morning’s show, she expressed her concern that Covid cases will rise as children return to school. She was joined by the journalists (and here I use the term loosely) Andrew Pierce and Kevin Maguire.

Pierce said that there would be a huge resistance to another lockdown, to which Reid replied:

“It feels like there would be resistance now against lockdown, but that doesn’t mean that restrictions wouldn’t be reimposed. You might close for instance pubs or restaurants.”

What a bastard. A journalist would say: “Pubs and restaurants will be nervous about restrictions coming back. They’ve suffered enough and are barely hanging on. Thousands of pubs have closed. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs and there’s no evidence that hospitality was a hotbed of transmission. We can’t keep closing down hospitality can we?”

Yeah that’s what Reid should have said. Instead, she mooted the idea of shutting down hospitality again as a compromise to avoid a full lockdown. Easy to say for a woman who gets paid millions to look pretty and read an autocue.

I hope the next time she walks into her local, the landlord tells her to fuck off.