Further Reading

Thursday 9 September 2021

New South Wales Health Chief Invokes New World Order In News Briefing

 Again the deliberate words to get it out far and wide across the world .... 

There appears to be fear narratives and threats to coerce and force human sheep to get the slow death shot. 

The last bullets in the barrel for the desperate globalists. The last breath of 2nd wind for the exhausted long distance runner now running the 800m race. 

The bad smell of bullshit in the air that will eventually disappear!!!

[Richie Allen]: At a press conference today, the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales Kerry Chant was asked about contact tracing as the region prepares to emerge from yet another brutal lockdown.

Chant said:

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in The New World Order. Yes it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.”

The New South Wales government also announced that stay at home orders will be lifted for double-vaccinated citizens. The jabbed will enjoy more freedoms, while refuseniks will be told to confine themselves to their homes.

The un-jabbed will only be allowed to leave for essential shopping, exercise and medical treatment. Presumably, selfish refuseniks will be kept under virtual house arrest until they see sense and roll up their sleeves.

Good God this is really happening.