Further Reading

Friday 24 September 2021

Gaia’s Planetary Stargates Coming Active…How to Respond?

[Wake Up World]: Planetary Stargates are nodes of concentrated energy where the veils between the dimensions are thin. To someone readily able to let go and expand their consciousness, all manner of metaphysical experience is enhanced. Much more than that though, this elevation in energy is beginning to widely effect life on the planet in the most profound of ways. The chances are that whether sensitive or not, you’re already experiencing the effects.

Understanding and working with the phenomenon is going to become essential and highly advantageous for all.

Imagine casting a ball into a net, the net will shape around the ball. So it is with the quantum field where it “catches” a dense crystallisation such as a planet. The energetic lay lines become concentrated at certain points – geological convergence for example. These nodes offer a more direct route back to the experience of the Source and all the dimensions inbetween. If you stand in such an activated Stargate, and you’re tuning into your own consciousness, you’ll likely get a booster to your expansion. It will increase the sense of interconnectivity with the Universe and accelerate the flow of soul multidimensionally.

Stargates enable you to travel on the astral planes across the cosmos: or else for example readily access the akashic record; they’ll help you regress rapidly through ancient karma; restore damaged DNA; activate your Merkabah.

The Stargates across our planet have been purposefully retarded and constricted by an Interdimensional ET Intervention bent on controlling the vibrational state of the planet and enslaving humanity. It’s applied a variety of methods to do so, originally by the implementation of megaliyths that reverse or constrict polarity, or else in modern times, by the use of EMF technology, chemtrails and GMO for example. Just as the implementation of energetic implants into the human field is widespread, so it has also been with 4D technology implants into Gaia’s field. This has generally made the surrounding energy field stagnant, disconnecting and dense. It’s meant that humanity has been readily controllable, as we’ve recently witnessed in the bogus measures of the pandemic....<<<Read More>>>...