Further Reading

Saturday 11 September 2021

Luciferase Vax Ends Spirituality in All…

[Tabublog]: Carbon 12, one of 5 elements in the human DNA, is composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons, which equates to 666. DNA is made up of six smaller molecules: a five Carbon sugar called Deoxyribose, a Phosphate Molecule, and four different Nitrogenous Bases: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, And Guanine.

Revelation 13:18 -"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count The Number of The Beast: for it is The Number of A Man; and his number is Six Hundred Threescore And Six". 

In other words, Mankind, without God and only as flesh, is The Number of The Beast, 666. What a coincidence? Man is composed of Carbon 12 which is 666 and The Number of The Beast is 666.
Maybe it is not a coincidence. Mankind’s current fallen but redeemable condition.

The key to understanding all this is to realize that Mankind currently exists in a fallen state. Though Mankind may have been Holy before The Fall, now he needs Redemption. Mankind is in The Beast State of 666 Carbon, and in need of Christ. 

The Luciferian Elite seek to redirect Mankind away from that Redemption and deny him of any escape from his Carbon 666 state of flesh identification. They want Mankind to seek to upgrade himself though technology and nano synthetic biology and genetic manipulation in order to attain Immortality and Apotheosis. It is the same lie from The Garden with The Serpent offering Mankind the secret knowledge, the fruit that will make Mankind ascend to become a God, and escape death.

However, the technology that The Serpent offers will make Mankind a Beast, and under the full control of Lucifer. By mixing Iron with Clay (nanotech with flesh), Mankind loses his ability to perceive and seek The Lord. In a nutshell, before the vaccine, Mankind is fallen but spiritually equipped to choose Redemption though Christ, but after the vaccine Mankind remains fallen, without that ability to choose Christ. He becomes an empty vessel which Lucifer will fill with pure Satanic obedience and lust. He becomes a genetic hybrid of Transhuman Hive Mind Enslavement. 

Building the Perfect Beast  Carbon-12 is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element Carbon, accounting for 98.89% of Carbon. Phosphorus, from the Greek phōsphoros, from phos ‘light’ + phoros ‘bringing’, we arrive at: “Phosphorus”, which equates to LUCIFER, The Bringer of Light...<<<Read More>>>...