Further Reading

Monday 27 September 2021

Psycho-Spiritual Immunity in the Era of Mass Psychosis

[Waking Times]: For those who still believe that the government will give them their old world back just after the two covid shots, as it was promised many times by the frontrunners of the scam, perhaps reading farther would be rather disturbing.

For others, who can see through the obvious bullshit that has been engineered and delivered to us in a wrap of medical tyranny, this article might be useful.

2020 was the year of figuring things out. We tried to understand what was going on in the world. Today, in the midst of 2021, it is quite obvious that the world was deliberately driven into madness with a specific purpose; to instill terror in order to advance a sinister political agenda to enslave and eventually destroy the human race.

As this freak show is going into full swing, Big Pharma, Big Government’s ugly sister, has seized the opportunity to use the current crises for even greater personal gain, even though at the cost of people’s lives. While people are fighting one another and arguing which skin color matters more, for those pulling the strings no life matters at all. For them, we are customers who no longer have to be persuaded to buy their products, rather, forced. This cynical approach is now in the open, no one is even hiding it anymore. Why bother when politicians are bought and paid for? The court system is corrupt and regulators are in the same pocket? Who can challenge the evil Hydra? Being drunk on power, they just don’t care anymore. 

But that is the great delusion. 

True power always resides in people. Although in a latent form, it is like a volcano that can erupt at any time. When people are united in noncompliance, no force can stop the pushback. They can’t arrest or kill us all. This is why the minds are kept captured and bodies poisoned, to prevent the uprising. A biochemical and electromagnetic assault that humanity is undergoing gives only partial results. 

There are those who are easily brainwashed and believe everything their government is telling them. These people cannot be helped. But there are millions upon millions of people who are neither stupid nor afraid and are ready to fight for their lives. The unity among them is the true force that can make a difference and get our world back from the filthy hands of the tyrants....<<<Read More>>>...