Further Reading

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Soul Purpose: Gateways to Finding Your Destiny

[Wake Up World]: Your Soul has its own bone-deep, ancient, wordless wisdom – and it doesn’t conform to what your mind wants or desires.

Think of your Soul like a vast, primordial cosmos within you. Your mind, on the other hand, is like a little angry red-faced man, waving his fists to the heavens, demanding it to rain already.

It just won’t happen!

There is a kind of reverence we need to bring to discovering our core Soul purpose.

Just as we would enter a church or temple with quietness and humility, so too do we need to approach our Soul with a sense of holy veneration.

Our Soul is the center of who we are: it is the fiery core, the illuminated essence, the crystalline deep sea, or the unique spark of Divinity we all carry.

As such, to really and truly find our Soul’s purpose, we need to move out of our Instagram-scrolling, Netflix-binging, distraction-loving “monkey mind” and into a space of sincerity, slowness, and devotion....<<<Read More>>>....